17.12 Meeting together-apart with Anne - with projection (technology giving us a hard time)
https://vimeo.com/247766676 We met with Anne for four hours in two different rooms and called each other on skype . We also had a...
Working the principles in a warm-up with 'Terrasse Ensemble' (Greek theatre group in Zurich
https://vimeo.com/247295243 I (Eleni) did not take part. I guided the improvisations and observed the participants. First principle to...
First meeting with Anne in different spaces 12.12
We needed : four computers and two phones, a very good internet connection and still we struggled to do it through skype, we had to call...
Meeting with Anne and Matthias 3.12
The session started with a conversation in the form of an interview in which we asked each other questions on the project. (Anne-Eleni)....