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First meeting with Anne in different spaces 12.12

We needed : four computers and two phones, a very good internet connection and still we struggled to do it through skype, we had to call each other several times in order to be able to do it right. We couldn't hear each other very well when we spoke, we split the screen to see both of us moving in front of us.

Anne was rehearsing in the space of Holzke collective.

Eleni was rehearsing in her home.

I (Eleni) wasn't able to follow the principles well this time and it shows in the video, I am not focused on the principles. I found there was too much distraction, but maybe it was because it was the first time we did it, and technology needs more time to include it in the practice.

I needed to focus on the camera to see what Anne was doing, but because skype in my computer was not working I was seeing her on my phone screen, I couldn't hear her well and I also had a camera recording me in my back, so whenever I turned on that side I could see myself (on the video I was recording live) a lot better and bigger, than I could see Anne on my phone.

Finally, what helped was to split the skype screen and see both Anne and me on the same time moving in front of me.

It needs a lot of work and many technical problems to solve.

It is supposed to be easier with technology but we both felt it was a lot more difficult.

Still our interest was to do it 'together' even from different geographical places.

This, we achieved but we asked each other how one 'feels togetherness' when absence is the main characteristic that reveals it. It made me think of the movie 'her' in which the main character falls in love with the operating system of his computer.

This is definitely not a way to resist precariousness and individuality.

Questions that came up:

Are we together in this?

How far, and how different can we "be" and still be 'together', and still feel 'togetherness'?

(password artez)

(password artez)

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