17.12 Meeting together-apart with Anne - with projection (technology giving us a hard time)
We met with Anne for four hours in two different rooms and called each other on skype .
We also had a projector in one of the two rooms.
We tried to move on with the movement principles but we both felt that technology was so distracting we could not focus on the movement.
The possibility that actually while I relate to the other person online, I can do other things at the same time was distracting. Anne: I felt less liability towards Eleni on Skype. I could go to make a tea while we were talking.I felt distracted. It was really hard for me to focus on Eleni's presence via Skype. How much more effort does it need. Why is that?
Instead of experiencing togetherness, we experienced mis-communication, alienation, feeling apart, disorientation. (Eleni)
In order to feel togetherness, movement started 'coping' one another in order to find a unity? A common point? some kind of connection?
RELATEDNESS. We struggled for relatedness, to relate to one another with our bodies and within verbal communication. We didn't hear well, we didn't see the other well, there were so many points of reference in the room we could not focus on one another.
Points of reference in two rooms:
Two bodies, two points of reference (my body and her body)
A computer screen with a skype window showing the other person and a smaller window showing ourselves.
An ipad screen with a skype window showing the other person and a smaller window showing ourselves.
Two phones, one trying to do what the ipad couldn't, the other filming part of the experience.
We also discussed a lot about the experience in regards to how to show it to an audience.
Maybe all these points of reference will be also a distraction to the audience.
Shall the audience see the projection with both of us in a split screen or just with one of us and in a small window the other- the non live performer (skype shows both people in a screen).
Where do we stand? Opposite to the computer, opposite to the projection and opposite to the audience? Then the audience will see a projection of the person who is not there (non live performer), the projection of the person who is live, in a small window, plus the computer screen showing the same as the projection plus the live performer.
Or maybe the live performer stands next to the projection (so she does not see it) and opposite to the computer (which the audience does not see) ?
Thoughts about how to move on and what else to try
What to try in regards to the audience
- The computer screen is only visible to the performer and not to the audience
- Alternate between projecting and non projecting.
- The audience sees the live performer standing opposite to a computer in which we know there is another performer who is doing together live in another space but we do not see what she sees in the computer neither do we see a projection of it. We just see the live performer.
-See the live performer and the projection with the non-live performer
-See the live performer and the projection of both of the performers in a split screen
Invite peers in Zurich and in Athens to show it to and get feedback
What to try in regards to the movement
Up to now we have tried :
General movement (connected to the non-topic start)
Specific movement
and combinations of these
Now we will try to embody :
related movement in comparison to the collective one and how does it change?
general related
specific related
vulnerable movement in combination to general and specific , collective and independent and individual
private movement
public movement
free movement
with care