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Three orange trees. In the future.

Movement Tasks & something like a score

First two minutes

- Slow movement taking care of the 'not knowing' and the 'knowing' keeping the tension between what I know and what I don't know.

Second part (when the text starts)

A (until about 8 minutes)

- The starting point of both hands is where the 'objects' on the space grid are.

- Only one hand is on the table when it reaches the correct point and the text is spoken. The other hand is collaborating but when the text is spoken it is off the table and next to it in order to start again

- All fingers are on the table

- Focus on the touch

- Focus on the contact between the the inside and the outside of the body

- Pause when it feels I 'know' more, so to start again from that that I don't know

B (from 8-13')

- movement starts from bones and not from muscles

- movement is already in space, catch it

- 2nd impulse - follow your second impulse not the first one

- pause when it feels I know more, restart from not knowing

Third part (when the imaginaries come in)

try with : one finger pointing

- go from one point to the next without searching any more

do not pause only stop at every point , reduce rhythm

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