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KONTά or how we get together// Conversation on the notion of precariousness

How does the body respond to the sense of precariousness in the modern world?

Invitation to peers in Zurich for an evening of sharing (what was written on the invitation)

How far and/or how different can two or more people ‘be’ and still feel they are ‘together’? How can this experience of coming together through movement, reading, writing, and discussing be as open as possible, in order to make it relevant to an audience? Are some of the questions Annekatrin Becher and Eleni Mylona have been working on the last couple of months, while creating principles within movement and writing that emerge from diverse conversations and movement improvisations. We would like to invite you to see our progress, give feedback, and have a conversation with us. Conversation on precariousness with questions and answers.

We (Anne and myself) firstly proposed several topics/questions that interested us, and could serve as a topic in relation to precariousness . We then asked for people to pick one or two they are interested in exploring in the following conversation, and/or propose a new topic related to the notion of precariousness that could serve as a topic for our conversation.

Most 'votes' went to the question : What does together mean?

Guidelines for creating the conversation

Each person should form at least one question or sentence to start the conversation with and then everyone would have the chance to answer and/or contribute to it. So the format was: Each participant has one question /statement/sentence to start the conversation with and then each participant will have the chance to answer, contribute, continue on this thought.

When all participants have finished speaking about this first question/ sentence/ statement, we move on to the next participant's question.

Several 'principles' in the formation of this first question/statement/sentence were proposed. The 'principles' were the following :

- Free association: I replace nouns in my sentences with words that I associate them with

- Begin by sharing a very personal story related to the topic of discussion

- Say what you feel / think

- Ask a 'general' question

- Ask a 'specific' question

- Ask a question that can be answered only with a question

- Ask a question or make a sentence that can only be answered with movement

- Ask a question/make a sentence or statement with(on, in relation to, or in which the word is included) "violence"

- Ask a question, make a statement or sentence (on, in relation to, or in which the word is included) with "femininity"

- Ask a question (on, in relation to, or in which the word is included) with "power"

The principles one could pick to answer the questions or contribute to the statement were the following:

- Free association : In my answers, I replace nouns with other nouns or words that come to mind immediately for this word (i.e house replaced by safety)

- Answer by saying what you are thinking or how you are feeling

- Answer by including the phrases :




- Ask a question that the person who answers starts by saying: "I fight precariousness in the modern world with"...

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