KONTά or how we get together
Invites people from diverse knowledge spheres, and attempts to bring them together around a table and in space; in order to research, to move, to imagine, to dance, to think, to write, to breath, to talk, to reflect, to take care of each other, and to create work that stands for complexity and nuance.

Reading Group : Living in a time of crisis and insecurity. How to imagine the future?
"where.woman.home" (work-in-progress)
Open presentation on Monday the 10th of July at Stillpoint spaces Zurich, at 19.00
Through conversations, movement improvisations, questioning, and writing, KONTά group has explored notions linked to integration and disintegration, the female identity, the notion of "home" and of "belonging/non-belonging".
The presentation includes text and movement acts, interactive body based experiments, and it finishes with a ritual.
Creation/Concept: Eleni Mylona
With and by: Annekatrin Becher, Maria Komninakidou, Sonja Caruso, Natalia Paxinou, Flora Arias, Anjali d'Souza
Research period 2016 Nov.-Dec.
2017 Jan.-Febr.

Concept - group initiator:
Eleni Mylona, dance practitioner, performance maker
Annekatrin Becher : Performer (video/social experiments), theatre educator, dance, occupational therapist, studies in education
Maria Komninakidou: actress, singer
Anjali D'souza: dancer, jungian psychoanalyst
Flora Arias: microbiologist
Susana Gutierrez: actress, experimental-mix media collaborator
Ana Otero : architect, musician, writer, performer
Natalia Paxinou : mover, thinker, art experimenter
Yolanda Tang: ad hoc,research funding administrator for the group
Matías Okawa : neurobiologist, photographer
How to join
Kontά invites artists, experimenters, movers, and thinkers, from diverse fields to join us in this exploration by participating in our regular gatherings either in space or online.
If you are interested in joining our gatherings,by participating actively and/or either as an observer, please write us.
Simply write a few words about you, what interests you, and how you imagine yourself participating in the group.
We can then arrange to meet up and see how this works out!
Special thanks to the following supporters who give us space to meet, to gather, to rehearse:
MAXIM Theater Zürich
hohlzke Zürich
Stillpoint Spaces Zürich
In the globalized world we live in, where funding for artistic projects has become more and more difficult, KONTά, (a Greek word that means near or close) , aims to bring together people from diverse backgrounds who have noticed that the world is changing beneath their feet.
KONTά seeks to construct in-between space/s in which people will have the opportunity to get together regularly, and experiment with ways of being together.
It invites people from diverse knowledge spheres and personal paths, and provides space to exchange, research, be confronted with, and reflect.
It is an initiative of Eleni Mylona that raised from her need to respond to the events that happen in the world today, by finding alternative ways to live and work.
People meet around a table and share knowledge, experience and personal stories, on agreed notions/ questions.
They look on them from different angles: psychoanalytically, culturally, personally, in an imaginative way.
They then use this experience to propose a body based experiment in space and guide group members in diverse improvisations.
Doers and observers alternate.
During and after each gathering they take time to think, reflect, and to write. Some of these thoughts are shared in the blog.
KONTά acts in two major fields: Research, and Artistic (creation-performance making). They both stand autonomously, but they also interact with each other.
KONTά aims to connect artists to people from other fields.
We stand for complexity and nuance.
We make work related to the present time.
We research, we move, we imagine, we dance,we think, we write, we sing, we breath, we talk, we make music, we take care of each other.
Our work stands at the intersection of dance, theatre and performance, and we are happy with this in-between state.
We work with anything we need: movement,object,text,music, song, video, image etc.
We stand for complexity and nuance.
We don't want to educate anyone.
We ask: How can we heal ourselves from trying to adapt?
We use the banalities of everyday life to create work.
We explore opposing sides of notions. We seek to analyse our work through them.
We look at our work from many angles: psychoanalytically, culturally, personally, in an imaginative way .
We create work with an interest for the unacknowledged, unconscious performative aspects of everyday life: the performative aspects of life that although taken for granted are un-seen.
We stand for complexity and nuance.
Humor is important to us.
We reveal performative “acts”, there where all performative tools are not present.
We seek to create interdisciplinary work, experimental,
co-authored work, that comes from and reflects back to the world as it is today, namely contemporary work of the present time, in relation to the body based practices.